Get in touch
Get in Touch
Message Us: 076 201 7864 Phone Us: 076 201 7864 Email Us:
We believe firmly in open communication with customers and consumers. So, if you'd like to talk to the owner of OceanSix directly, drop us an email and we will put you in touch.
What we do
What We Do
At OceanSix, we love manufacturing and wholesaling top-notch aquarium additives, supplements, and other products for the aquarium and fisheries industry. From reef salts to specialized nutrient supplements, we offer solutions that "just work." Our focus on quality, affordability, and simplicity ensures that both retailers, end-users and aquaculturalists find our products indispensable for aquatic care.
Our core values
Our Core Values
Our mission at OceanSix is to provide products that are uncomplicated yet highly effective. We believe in continuous optimization to keep costs down without compromising quality. Our core values reflect our dedication to:

  • Quality: Ensuring the highest standards in product manufacturing.
  • Affordability: Offering competitive pricing without sacrificing effectiveness.
  • Simplicity: Designing products that are easy to use and understand.
  • Innovation: Continually improving and expanding our product line to meet the needs of the aquatic community.
  • Integrity: Building trust with our customers by being transparent and reliable.
Our story
Our Story
OceanSix began in 2022, shortly after the worst of the dreaded COVID pandemic was over. The early husband and wife team, Andre and Alicia, had a passion for the aquatic world and a vision to make aquatic care more accessible and enjoyable. Leveraging off consulting chemists knowledge combined with a passion for the industry, we developed a range of additives and supplements that cater to both hobbyists and professional aquarists. Today, our products are trusted by retailers across the industry, and we continue to grow and innovate. Our story is a testament to our commitment to excellence, our love for the aquatic environment, and our desire to provide products that truly make a difference.s